In South Pasadena, residential tenants cannot receive a rent increase of more than 8.9%.
If you have received a notice of rent increase, this rent calculator will help determine whether your rent increase is legal.
Because we are a volunteer-run group, we ask that you fill out our membership form if you need assistance with tenant issues.
Tenant Power Toolkit
This toolkit was designed to help tenants without legal representation fight evictions and rent debt in the court system. If you have been served an Unlawful Detainer, the toolkit’s team will provide virtual assistance with filing your legal paperwork and support through the court process. Website:
Neighborhood Legal Services of LA County
Self-Help Legal Access Centers provide legal information and assistance to self-represented persons seeking assistance for evictions and tenants rights (in addition to restraining orders, family law, and other civil matters).
Los Angeles Superior Court 300 East Walnut Street, Room 300 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tenants Together is a statewide coalition of local tenant organizations dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of California tenants to safe, decent, and affordable housing. As California’s only statewide renters’ rights organization, Tenants Together works to improve the lives of California’s tenants through capacity-building, movement-building, and statewide advocacy. Tenants Together seeks to support and strengthen the statewide movement for renters’ rights.